Friday, February 4, 2011

Lego's Underfoot

Nothing says "Parenthood" more than waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and stepping on a tiny, pointy lego piece on your way.  Ouch!  It's during those precious moments of holding your hurting foot in one hand and covering your mouth with your other hand so that you don't wake up any sleeping babies, that you really arrive at a deep understanding of being a Parent.

I used to think bringing home a beautiful, warm, wrapped little newborn made me and my husband parents.  And it did, in a way.  Having your own baby is an important step in becoming a parent.  But it's only a step.  Becoming a real Parent doesn't happen overnight, it's a lifelong process of changing yourself.  As children get older, they test you to see your reactions, they test your love, they push limits, and they leave lego out on the floor in strategic places.  They don't just add to your responsibilities, they permeate every area of your life.  That little newborn will make you feel a type of love you never knew existed before you had him.  But can you call on that love to take over and prevent you from swearing loudly when you step on the lego that the beautiful newborn left on the floor, just so that you don't wake him up? Now THAT's parenthood.


  1. "they leave lego out on the floor in strategic places"...hmmmmm...

  2. they want to be sure you don't accidentally not step on it ;)
