Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Leiby Kletzky, A"H

My heart sits heavily in my chest, and my breathing doesn't come as naturally as it usually does.  This morning, every parents worst nightmare became a reality when 8 year old Leiby Klatzky was found brutally murdered.  He was one month shy of his 9th birthday.  His parents let him walk home from daycamp himself for the first time.  His mother must have been very nervous waiting for him to make it safely home after his first time walking alone.  Every parent knows that feeling, barely breathing until your kid makes it home safely.  But Mrs. Kletsky never got to breathe that sigh of relief upon seeing him running to her, cheeks flushed and proud of himself for being so independent.  Instead, two days of searching came to a bitter end as she and his father laid him to rest tonight.

Every parent is shaken to the core by this disturbing story.  The internet is abuzz with the news.  And, sadly, some people see this as an opportunity to point fingers.  I am reading comments online judging the parents and saying that it is wrong to let a child of 8 or 9 walk home alone.  This conversation is going on while his funeral is taking place.  Where is the consideration and respect for a mourning family?

There are two sides to every argument.  Some people say it is dysfunctional to hover over your children and never let them become independent, and some people say it is not worth the risk to let your kids go outside alone.  There are valid arguments on both sides.  But this is certainly not the time to make those arguments.  Nor do they need to be made, because for the rest of their lives, Mr. and Mrs. Klatsky will be battling that nagging thought that he was not ready yet to walk alone.  May God grant them strength to get through this terrible tragedy.  My thoughts and prayers are with them.

1 comment:

  1. It's a sick person that would take and kill an innocent. Liebby, you didn’t make it to moon in this lifetime, but with your outstretched arm, you’ve slipped the surly bonds of earth and gone to touch the face of God. RIP
