Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More on Socializing

This video made me laugh at about 3 minutes in.  Especially because I just wrote a post explaining how homeschoolers socialize, and how in school true socializing doesn't take place; and the responses in the comments were mostly "but how do you socialize your children? If they don't go to school they will be weird."  The baseless argument has become so rhetoric people cannot even think beyond it.  This animated video is 5 minutes long, and very worth watching.  If you wonder how homeschoolers socialize, this video might help you understand.  And if homeschool, this video will look like conversations you have certainly heard before and will probably make you laugh.



  1. That is a cute & funny video. But I actually do believe that universal, free, govt-run schooling was created for the express purpose of socializing the poor slum-dwelling immigrants and other "undesirables" to act properly, incorporate American values into their world view, and stop being so dang different and untidy all the time. That they should learn to read and do arithmetic was an added benefit. The rise of the public school system through high school occurred in the 20th century, and was spearheaded by the same group of nice, upper class white ladies like Margaret Sanger who founded the American Birth Control League targeted their "help" to the poor and racially "weak" as a way of practicing eugenics. So... especially for orthodox Jews in America today, I think it is advisable to skip on that socialization.

  2. How do you find these things??? Was smiling 2 minutes in, about to laugh at 3... by 4 minutes I was really laughing! I think I've had a few to many of these conversations.

  3. Chaviva, interesting....
    Leat, I know, I've had this conversation a few many times as well....

  4. I didn’t realize that the blogger was comparing homeschooling to the current public school education. Thanks for clarifying that Chaviva. That’s why I’m in favor of the “JEWISH EDUCATION SYSTEM” or “PRIVATE SCHOOL” . Contrary to the attached clip, jewish students have been traveling to study halls for centuries. You will not be able to supplement the good Hebrew education provided by some great jewish teachers, with the home education you’ll provide. Also since most of the time it’s the mother who will remain home to educate her children, the child will fall behind in Judaic (Talmudic) studies since its taught mainly to man.

  5. Chani, "the blogger" in this post is not comparing homeschool to public school, and I am not sure why you concluded that. This post is an animated video of a conversation about socializing. And although your point about a judaic education is off topic, it would be a valid question in some other context, were it a question. You simply stated that it cannot be done. That is a close minded attitude and, frankly, wrong. It is not surprising to me, since this close-minded attitude towards homeschooling (or anyone who does things differently than the norm) is very common. It actually proves the premise of the video, that there are people who just state and restate rhetoric without even thinking about it or listening for the answer.

  6. Chaviva's comments were directed at public school education. i'd also homeschool my children before admitting them into the public school system.

  7. thumbs up to private schools

  8. The interaction home schooled kids have is no way near the level of interaction kids in schools have. Sooner or later your kids will have to continue their education in a public facility and you'll discover this for yourself.


  10. are you going to play around with your children's education just to save a couple of dollars. i bet you go all out when vacationing.

  11. Of course vacations are a necessity.

  12. To: Anonymous
    Home schooling your kids does not really save you money. You need to consider a parent staying at home to educate a child is a loss of income, since they could have join the work force and their household would benefit from a second income you see.

  13. Chani, a couple of dollars?
    What planet are you from?
