Friday, April 1, 2011

Why Do Boys Love To Play With Guns?

Young boys have a natural penchant for war, guns, and fighting.  Almost all of their play involves some type of play fighting.  Many mothers who decide at the time their sons are infants that they will not introduce guns to them are shocked when they watch their sons, at about 2 or 3 years old, use their legos to make a gun and then run around the house shooting their homemade gun at imaginary "bad guys."  These mothers wonder how their sons came up with such a concept, because they were so careful to never let them see a gun, either as a toy or in a movie.  But the concept of "fighting the bad guys" is inborn for boys.  And mothers struggle with this inborn nature while trying to raise non-violent boys.  They worry as they watch their sweet young son play games which seem incompatible with their values.  They wonder why the child who has good manners and a compassionate nature likes to shoot and wrestle in their play time.

There are so many variations to gun play.  There are soldier games, there is cops and robbers, and lately there are superhero games.  In all of these games, the "good guy" uses his physical power or superpowers to save the world from the "bad guys."  And actually, this is exactly what we want them to be doing.  Mothers need not worry, because our boys are acting out the values we have been teaching them since they were born.  While it may look violent to the untrained eye, in fact they are restoring order to the world, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves.  At times, they even pretend to be the bad guy, showing empathy and  understanding of the other side.  And when their friend, playing the good guy, shoots them, they fall and die, demonstrating that good always wins, and ultimately there is no excuse for evil.  So when mothers see their sons shooting with their lego guns, they should perhaps see beyond the fact that he is using a toy gun and look at what he's doing with that gun. 

I, myself, am a mother that teaches her children not to be violent, and never to get into fights with other children or each other.  But when it comes to their play time, I don't want to teach my sons to stop fighting the bad guys.  I am proud of their desire to save the world from evil.  And although I tell them to stop wrestling with each other or someone might get hurt, I am simultaneously reassured about their values. Because even during play time, when they can do whatever they want, they are fighting imaginary bad guys and saving the world from the forces of evil.


  1. i totally agree with you.
    i think a man with a gun is the hottest thing.

  2. People love guns couse it empowers them. The idea that someone's life is in your hands and you can end it with a pull of a trigger or permit it to continue living, to them, is godly.

  3. I hate how in this generation the media and fashion channels constantly try to feminize man by promoting nonviolent ways to combat evil and dressing man with women colors and low rise jeans. I was surprised to see a mans makeup counter at my local mall. Why is that if a man dresses rugged and rough he's called a country hick and not sophisticated individual. Man are supposed to be a little rough for a man to have some facial hair and non glossy nails is totally acceptable. The media through some self interest groups keep protesting and keeps army recruiters out of college campuses. Our soldier count is at a national low. There's nothing wrong with training man to pick up guns and combat evil. I love how you permit your children to express themselves. Let a woman be a woman and a man be a man.

  4. trying to eradicate evil, by nonviolent means is evil and only strengthens evil. Evil should be fought vigorously if we want to have a chance to survive.
