Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Day

It's difficult to describe the soft, mushy feelings I feel on my siblings' birthdays.  So instead, I'm going to talk about Thanksgiving.  Because, besides for the fact that today is the birthday of two of my sisters, (yes, they are twins, and yes, we are talking about something else,) it is also Thanksgiving.  So let's talk about how I feel on Thanksgiving.

I kind of feel happy and thankful for the day off.  The normal daily routine is so busy, that a day off with everyone home is like medicine for the soul.  I cherish days off with the family, and I look back fondly to the too few days off spent with my sisters, but we're not talking about them right now...  By late morning, the peace and serenity sound like this:  "Mommy I'm hungry can you make waffles and eggs and hash-browns?  And can we bake some brownies?"  So I say yes, and we have a big family brunch.  Then I get busy with cleaning the kitchen, and sometimes the stress starts creeping back in and I forget how much I love Thanksgiving and turkey dinners.  When I notice this happening, I try to keep my perspective positive.

The afternoon passes quickly until it is time for Thanksgiving dinner.  Consumed with the mundanities of life, in this case the act of using a fork and a knife, it is easy to forget about the deeper, more important things, for instance how delicious turkey tastes.  I start feeling amazed and surprised about how much I really love turkey, and that it is so incredible that there are two of them!  (There really were two turkeys at tonight's dinner, this isn't just a reference to my sisters.)  I feel a moment of clarity in this otherwise unclarified day, and I realize how much I missed those two turkeys.  Okay, this time I am referring to my sisters, so let me end by saying, happy birthday to the two cutest little twins in the world, who aren't that little anymore (although still skinny....) and don't you guys also miss the Thanksgiving dinners we used to have before we got too busy....

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