Sunday, January 18, 2015

Congratulations, It's a Teenager!

There is a reason people are born as babies.  Not many couples would be willing to take home a newborn teenager from the hospital.  You need a good 12 years investment in a person before you are willing to keep him or her around as a teenager.  Which works out perfectly, timing-wise!  It also helps to have a few years of insane cuteness stored in your memory and in your photo albums before your baby becomes a teenager.  Of course, there is so much joy in raising teenagers.  But I'm just saying, a large part of that joy is very closely tied to the years you invested in them, and also to the cuteness in their past.

 Today is my first newborn's fourteenth birthday.  Fourteen!  Where has the time gone?  It feels like yesterday that I held him in my arms for the first time.  I have watched him grow from infancy into practically a man, and he has done very well and makes me proud every day.  He is determined and kind and wise beyond his years.  He is a wonderful role model for his younger siblings and for his friends.  But mostly, he was the absolutely cutest baby you have ever seen, and the sweetest little newborn ever to be born. 

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